São Paulo
São Paulo emerged as a Jesuit mission in 1554, bringing together its first inhabiting villages of both European and indigenous origin. Over time, the village began to stand out for its commercial activities and services of relative regional importance. In the 19th century the city had spectacular demographic and economic growth stemming from the cycle of coffee and industrialization, which would elevate São Paulo to the position of the largest city in the country.
In the Centro region, between the Viadutos do Chá and Santa Ifigênia, is located the Vale do Anhangabaú, which until 1822 was only a farm owned by Barão de Itapetininga, where residents sold tea and watercress. Urbanization only came from the construction project of Viaduto do Chá in 1877, which resulted in the expropriation of farms, construction of gardens and canalization of the river. In the 1940s, underground connections were built to the Ramos de Azevedo and Patriarca squares, now known as the Prestes Maia Gallery, and in the 1980s the São Paulo City Hall organized a contest that resulted in the revitalization of the region, with the construction of new gardens, sculptures and three fountains.
Vale is also famous for the political and cultural manifestations that it hosted, such as the Diretas Já rally on April 16, 1984, which brought together about 1.5 million people, the largest public rally in Brazilian history. Currently, the Anhangabaú Valley is an important economic, political and cultural center, bringing together the São Paulo City Hall building, the Municipal Theater, the Municipal Ballet School, the São Paulo Dramatic and Musical Conservatory and a university campus and large commercial buildings. .
Inovax - São Paulo
Rua Líbero Badaró, 425 - Conj. 163
Centro - São Paulo - SP
CEP: 01.009-000
Tel: (11) 3106-0178