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Brazil has the 4th largest ICT market in the world


Brazil has the 4th largest ICT market in the world

INOVAX-ParqueTecnologico-tecnicos-smallAccording to research released by IDC Brasil, Brazil is already among the four largest markets for Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in the world in terms of IT spending. In the past two years, Brazil has overtaken the United Kingdom, Germany and France. The country handled US$ 233 billion in 2012, equivalent to 51% of ICT spending across Latin America.

Also according to IDC, the ICT market in Brazil already represents more than twice that of Russia and more than twice that of India, second only to the Chinese and North American markets. But the desire is to reach the third position in the IT and Telecommunications market by 2022.

According to expert Divaldo Leal de Mendonça, Financial Director (CFO) of INOVAX Engenharia de Sistemas, the growth of the ICT market in Brazil is mainly reflected in the development of cloud computing it is us Modular data centers. "Mobile data centers and cloud solutions tend to grow due to the green bias of the expanding energy economy," he said. “This growth comes in the wake of a perspective of increasing the network infrastructure of optical fiber, which will provide even more conditions for market expansion ”.

The development of the ICT market in Brazil is strongly stimulated by the government, for example, through the Financier of Studies and Projects (Finep), linked to the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MCTI). As seen in the most developed countries in the world, technology is the key to development, and INOVAX, aware of this, invested you in development of own technologies, in addition to establishing partnerships with major IT companies in the world such as Huawei, IBM and HP.

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